
Ash Wednesday March 5

- Sacred Heart Academy Mass in English at 9 AM in the church

- Bilingual Mass at 7:30 PM in the church


Parish Registration Weekend – March 8-9


Parish Ministry Day - March 15-16 (All Lay Ministers will be introduced to the parish on that day).


Retreat Theme: "Though we are many, we are one body in Christ" (1Cor 12, vs. 12).

Lenten Creole Retreat - March 19-22 with Fr. Reginald Jean-Marie from Florida.


Lenten English Retreat – April 7-10 with Fr. Trevor Nathasingh from Trinidad.


Stations of the Cross (Bilingual) - Every Friday during Lent at 7:30 P.M. in the church


Palm Sunday – April 13, 2014 The mass schedule is as follows: 

5 P.M. (Saturday, April 12, 2014) - Mass in English

7:30 A.M. - Mass in English


10 A.M. - Mass in English

1 P.M. - Mass in Creole


Day of Penance – Monday April 14, 2014, all day


Holy Thursday (Bilingual Celebration) – April 17, 2014 at 8 PM


Good Friday – April 18, 2014

-       Procession at 1 PM 

-       English Service at 3 PM 

-       Creole Service at 7 PM


Easter Vigil Celebration – April 19 at 8 PM


Easter Day Masses - April 20, 2014 @ 8 A.M., 10 A.M., 12:45 P.M.