Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
/1. This weekend of June 6th-7th is the Feast of Corpus Christi. The mass schedule will be the following: ((Saturday 5:00 PM Vigil Mass in English,)) (Sunday 8:00 AM in English,) and Sunday 11:00AM Bilingual mass. Right after the 11:00 AM mass, there will be outside Procession with the Blessed Sacrament. We are all invited to join the procession in sharing our faith with the people in the neighborhood.
2. The Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus will be celebrated this year on Friday June 12th. Please mark your calendar for the many planned activities for the Feast of our parish (from June 8th to Sunday, June 14th).
· Our feast will open with a Triduum (Three Days of Prayer) from Monday June 8th to Wednesday June 10th at 7:30 PM in church.
· Friday, June 12th at 7:30 PM: Feast Day Bilingual Mass with Bishop Guy Sansaricq, followed by Fellowship in Auditorium.
· Saturday June 13th 9:00 AM: Memorial Mass of Immaculate Heart of Mary.
· Saturday June 13th 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM: Children and Youth Festival sponsored by the Children’s choir.
· Sunday, June 14th 8:00 AM: English mass (11th Sunday of Ordinary Times.)
· Sunday, June 14th 11:00 AM: Bilingual closing mass of parish feast
· Sunday, June 14th All White Luncheon (following Bilingal Mass): in auditorium. Tickets for the luncheon are on sale for $25. Please contact any group leader in the parish.
3. Please save the date for our Parish International Dinner coming up on Saturday June 20th (Father’s Day weekend) from 7:00 PM 1:00 AM in the auditorium. All fathers will be honored that night. Tickets are $15.00 for adults and $5 for children under 12. There will be special blessing for the fathers in our community at all the masses that weekend
4. On June 20th also, there will also be Story Teller for Toddlers in St. Martin de Porres from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Parents are encouraged to bring their children.
5. The 10:00 AM and the 12:45 PM masses of June 21 will be offered for all the graduates in our parish community. Special blessing will be given to the graduates.
6. Please mark your calendar for the Annual Parish BBQ Saturday August 9, 2015.
7. Please remember to pick up a copy of the bulletin for valuable resources and information for you and your family
1. Tousuit aprè mès la, nap gen prosesyon nan lari ak Sen Sakreman. Nou envite tout moun pou mache nan prosesyon-an al pataje lafwa nou ak moun ki nan vwazinaj nou.
2. FӖT PAWAS NOU FET SAKREKE se Vandredi 12Jyen. Nap komanse FET la ak yon Triduum, twa sware lapriyè lundi 8 pou mekredi 10 Jyen a 7:30 pm.
- Vandredi 12 Jyen a 7:30 pm: Mès Solanèl Fèt Sakrekè avek Monseyè Guy Sansaricq. Apre mès la ap gen yon ti rafreshisman nan oditoryom nan.
- Samdi 13 9am: Mès Imakile de Mari in church. Nou mande tout group ki gen devosyon marial yo pou patisipe aktivman na mes la.
- Samdi 13 11 am a 3 pm, nap gen yon festival pou tout timoun nan pawas la nan oditoryom nan.
- Dimanch 14 Jyen 8:00 am Mès 11e Dimanch Tan Ordinaire.
- Dimanch 14 Jyen 11:00 am Mès bileng pou klotire fèt pawas la. Tou swit apre mès la, nap genye 2e Diner an Blanc Anyel nou nan oditoryom nan. Tikè pou diner a se selman $25. Wè avèk lidè group yo pou achte tikè nou.
3. Nap gen Dine entènasyonal Anyèl nou Samdi 20 Jyen ki se weekend fèt papa yo. Nap profite onore tout papa yo nan kominote-a nan Dine-a. Tikè yo se 15 dola granmoun e 5 dola timoun ki gen mwens ke 12 zan. Wè manm nan komite fundraiser-a pou achte tikè nou. Nap gen yon benediksyon espesyal pou papa yo nan tout mès yo.
4. Nan menm Samdi sa, nan Sen Martin de Porres, nap envite paran yo nan yon aktivite pou timoun a 11 am. Se: “Story Teller for Toddler”
5. Nap ofri mès 21 Jyen an pou tout moun ki gradye ane sa. Nap gen yon benediksyon espesyal pou yo.
6. Tanpri make kalandriye nou pou BBQ Anyèl nou Samdi 9 Out 2015.
7. Pran yon copi bilten pawas pou anpil lòt enfòmasyon enpòtan pou wou ak fanmi w.