Solemn Vespers for Vocations
/On Sunday April17, Good Shepherd Sunday, World Day of Vocations, the parish will celebrate Solemn Vespers (Evening Prayer) for vocations at 5 pm. Praying for vocations is the responsibility of each one of us. All parish groups, children, youth, young adults, adults, seniors are invited to come together as one parish family and pray the Master of the harvest for more workers in the vineyard.
Dimanch 17 Avril, Dimanch Bon Berger, Jounen Mondyal pou Vokasyon, pawas la ap selebre Vêpres Solanèl a 5 pm pou priye pou vokasyon. Nap tann tout group nan pawas la, timoun, jèn, granmoun pou vin priye ansanm Mèt rekòt la pou voye plis travayè nan jaden rezen-l nan.