Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
/1. CCD Program registration is still in progress on Saturdays from 9:00 AM. Register your child for First Communion and Confirmation classes for the year 2013 – 2014. Please refer to the bulletin for additional information.
2. If you have never been baptized before, or if you were baptized, but have not yet received the sacraments of Communion or Confirmation, please call the rectory to register for the RCIA (Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults) program where you can be prepared to receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. The RCIA is for adults and young people.
3. . Please note, our 4th annual Lessons and Carols event will be held on the second Sunday of Advent (December 8, 2013), as is customary. Please mark your calendars and let's get ready to celebrate!!
4. Please note, our 4th annual Lessons and Carols event will be held on the second Sunday of Advent (December 8, 2013), as is customary. Please mark your calendars and let's get ready to celebrate!! Rehearsal for the actors begins Sunday, November 10th at 4:00 PM in the church. Subsequent rehearsals are scheduled on Sundays through November 31st at 4:00 PM in the church.
5. It is that time again when we give THANKS to the Lord by sharing our blessings with our brothers and sisters. In preparation for Thanksgiving, we began collecting food items and monetary donations Sunday, November 3rd and will continue thru November 26th. You can bring all provisions to the Rectory during the week or to the Church on Sundays.
6. Sacred Heart Parish Nurse Ministry will hold its first open meeting on Thursday, November 14th at 7:30 P.M. All nurses are invited to join in this ministry and work together toward a healthier and safer community.
7. The Feast Day of Saint Frances Cabrini is Wednesday, November13th. On the day to honor St. Cabrini, the patron saint of immigrants, Catholics and supporters are asked to call their U.S. Representatives at 1-855-589-5698 and leave this simple message: “Support a path to citizenship and oppose the SAFE Act.”
Please visit for more information.