Second Sunday of Easter - Mercy Sunday
/1. The Sacred Heart Church Annual Cruise will be in Europe this year from. June 26 – July 5, visiting Tunisia; Rome, Genoa, Italy; Marseille, France; Barcelona, Valencia, Spain; Come fast to the rectory for reservation and payment. See the bulletin for more information.
2. You are cordially invited to attend a fund raising dinner dance to benefit the Sacred Heart School. Please join us Saturday July 6, from 8:00pm to 2:00am.Your donation of $60.00 will go for a worthy cause.
3. Sacred Heart Church invites you to experience “The Miracle of Christmas” at the Sound and Sight theaters on Saturday December 14, 2013. Donation is $115 per adult and $100 per Children under 12 years old. There will be more information next week’s bulletin.