Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
/1. Sacred Heart Academy is inviting you to Belmont Park to watch the races and have a delicious buffet lunch in an air conditioned area on September 21st from 12:00pm to 5:00pm. The cost of $45.00 includes: Door entrance, program and lunch. Children 12years and under pay $25.00. For more information or to reserve your tickets please call Sacred Heart School.
2. Sacred Heart Academy registration is open for the calendar year 2013-2014. See the bulletin for more information and also on Save the Dates.
3. The English Charismatic Prayer Group invites you to their annual Prayer Breakfast and Revival on Saturday, September 14, 2013 at 9:00 am in the Sacred Heart School Auditorium. Our Guest Revivalist/speaker will be Rev. Bill Halbing from Immaculate heart of Mary Church in New Jersey. Donation $15.00 for Adults and Children 12years and under pay $6.00
We will have a three day Revival after the prayer breakfast on Monday, September 16, Tuesday September 17 and Wednesday September 18 in the Church at 7:30pm. There are more information in the bulletin.
4. If you are 13 yrs to mid - 20's you are welcome to join the youth choir on Sundays 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm in Fr. Nolan's Unity Room (rectory basement) Registration begins on August 18, 2013 by signing the registration form in the rectory for the 2013-2014 choir year. We will start on September 8. Come join us and sing praises to the Lord!