Fifth Sunday of Easter
/1. Please be reminded that Generations of Faith payments are to be sent to the Generations of Faith office at P.O. Box 7356 Berlin, CT 06037. We are still encouraging new pledges – cards are in the back. Only first payments come to the rectory.
2. For adults or older teenagers who are baptized, receive 1st Communion, but not yet confirmed. Please register for Confirmation classes every Sunday after 10 am mass in English and 12:45 mass in Creole. Class begins this Sunday till Sunday May 8. Confirmation will be on Pentecost Sunday at the 10 and 12:45 masses.
3. "Beating the odds" and "Ask and you shall receive", the two books written by Monsignor Anselm who conducted the last English Lenten Mission are now available for sale at the book ministry after each Mass for $10 and $6.50 respectively. Please get your copy today!
4. The Sacred Heart shred event is back! The truck will be here to safely shred all of your confidential documents on Saturday May 14th from 10 AM to 1PM. Individuals will pay $1 per pound of paper, and businesses will pay $250 for any amount of paper. For questions or to register your business, please contact the rectory.
5. Our Parish Feast Day is Friday, June 3rd.
6. Our pre Feast celebration will start with a Jericho - 8 nights of prayer, praise and worship in Creole from May 20th to May 27th in the Church at 7:30 PM.
7. Followed by our Feast Triduum from May 30th to June 1st at 7:30 pm in church.
8. Thursday, June 2nd at 7:30 pm will be our Young Adult Special Event in the auditorium. Look out for more details about that special event in the next few weeks.
9. Vendor Registration forms for the Festival on June 4th, and tickets for the All White luncheon on Sunday, June 5th are available after each mass and in the rectory.
10. Good news for every youth in our parish. Steubenville Youth Conference will be held in St. John’s University for three (3) days on June 24th to 26th. All High School Students, 13 to 18 year old are welcome. The Conference will help us to ensure that all teens – no matter where they are on their faith journey will have an encounter with God and the Church through engaging liturgies, inspiring music, challenging talks and overwhelming joy. Those who are interested are encourage to sign up as soon as possible or on before April 28th. To support this youth event, we will be having Fundraising starting April 23 - 24. For more information, please speak to Alicia Legister, Dominic Magloire or any Youth Leaders, or call Sr. Vilma in the rectory.
11. Please take home a copy of the parish bulletin for information and happenings around the parish and the diocese, activities and resources for you and your family. You may also visit us online at
1. Tanpri sonje pou nou kontinye voye peyman “Generations of Faith” yo nan P.O. Box 7356 Berlin, CT 06037. Li pa twò ta pou w anrejistre si w potko fè yon « pledge ». Kat yo sou tab dèyè legliz la. Se sèlman premye peyman an pou w bay nan prezbitè a.
2. Si genyen granmoun ou jèn ki poko resevwa sakreman Konfimasyon , nou gen posiblite pou nou fè sa dimanch Lapannkot. Tanpri Wè ak diak Paul tou swit apre lamès pou klas konfimasyon kap komanse de jodia a Dimanch 8 Me.
3. Samdi 14 Mé nap genyen yon konpani kap vinn chire tout dokiman enpotan nou pa bezwen. Yap la de 10 AM a 1 PM nan pakinn legliz la. Se $1 pou chak liv papye. Si w gen yon biznis, wap sèlman peye $250 pou nenpot kantite papye wap chire. Kontakte prezbitè a pou plis detay
4. Fèt Pawas la se Vandredi 3 Je
5. Nap komanse gwo 80èm anivèsè Pawas la ak yon Jericho soti 20 Me rive 27 me.
6. 8 sware priyè, adorasyon ak lwanj pou sa Granmèt la fè nan lavi nou ak nan lavi pawas nou an. Komanse gaye gwo nouvèl sa bay tout moun nou konnen.
7. Jedi 2 jen, ap gen yon bel aktivite pou jènn 21 a 35 an a 7:30 nan oditorium nan. Ak gen plis detay sou sa nan semènn ka vini yo.
8. Samdi 4 Jen nap genyen yon gwo festival Pawasyal tout jounen an. Gen aplikasyon si w ta renmen vann ou ekzpoze biznis ou.
9. Epi tou, tikè pou bèl Dine an blan pawas la ap fèdimanch 5 jen yo pare. Ou ka regle tou sa apre lamès e nan prezbitè a.
10. Gwo nouvèl pou tout jènn 13 a 18 an nan pawas la. Konferans pou Jènn “Steubenville” fè chak ane ya, ap fèt nan St. John’s University 24, 25 ak 26 Jen. Nap ankouraje tout elèv nan High School patisipe. Konferans sa a ap ede nou asire ke tout jènn nou yo, kèlke swa kote yo ye nan cheminman lafwa yo fè yon ekzperians spesyal ak Granmèt la e ak legliz la nan jan yap angaje yo nan litiji an, mizik, dialog ak diskisyon – Se ap yon gwo e bèl eksperyans pou jènn nou yo. Nou ka anregistre depi Jodi ya juska 28 avril. Nap bezwen sipò tout moun pou nou voye jènn nou yo nan konferans sila. Nap fè kèk ti fundraiser 23 ak 24 avril. Tanpri patisipe. Pou plis detay, wè ak Dominic Magloire, Alicia Legiter, Mè Vilma, oubyen rele prezbitè ya.
11. Tanpri pran kopi bilten-an pou nou jwenn plis enfomasyon sou sa kap pase nan pawas la, nan dyosez la, ak tout aktivite kap genyen pou fèt pawas la. Nap jwenn anpil resous ak aktivite pou nou avek fanmi nou. Nou kapab toujou vizite sit pawas la nan