Palm Sunday Announcements 3/24/2013
/- The Youth Ministry also invites all Sacred Heart Parishioners to our Outdoor Stations of the Cross on Good Friday March 29th, at 1:00 pm. Please come out and witness Christ's passion in our community.
Click Here to see the Holy week Schedule
The Sacred Heart Misericorde Group invites you to a day of pilgrimage at Eden Hill Divine Mercy, International Stockbridge, Massachusetts, on Sunday April 7. The bus will depart at 6:00am in front of the Church. See the bulletin for more information.
On Good Friday, March 29, 2013, Communion and Liberation will sponsor the Way of the Cross over the Brooklyn Bridge. Participants will congregate for the first station at St. James Cathedral, Brooklyn, at 10:00am. Detail information is in the bulletin. All are invited.
The Sacred Heart Church Annual Cruise will be in Europe this year from . June 26 – July 5, visiting Tunisia; Rome, Genoa, Italy; Marseille, France; Barcelona, Valencia, Spain; Come fast to the rectory for reservation and payment. See the bulletin for more information.