Fifth Sunday of Easter

1. Sacred Heart girl scouts will be selling cookies next Sunday April 28 in front of the church after the 8:am and the 10:am Mass.  Please support them. They thank you in advance.

2. The Sacred Heart Church Annual Cruise will be in Europe this year from. June 26 – July 5, Come fast to the rectory for reservation and payment. See the bulletin for more information.

3. You are cordially invited to attend a fund raising dinner dance to benefit the Sacred Heart School. Please join us Saturday July 6, from 8:00pm to 2:00am.Your donation of $60.00 will go for a worthy cause.

4. There will be a mandatory meeting for all ministers of the Eucharist on April 28, 2013 at 12:45P.M.  in the Martin de Pores Center. Please make an effort to attend.

5.  Sacred Heart Church invites you to experience “The Miracle of Christmas at the Sight and Sound Theater on Saturday December 14, 2013. Donation is $115 per adult and $100 per child under 12 years old. Please submit your final payment on October 6, 2013. Call the Rectory for more information.

6. The English Charismatic Prayer Group invites all to join them in praying the Novena to the Holy Spirit beginning on Friday May 10 to Saturday May 18, 2013 from 7pm to 8pm daily in the Martin DePorres Chapel. The annual Pentecost Revival will take place on Sunday May 19, 2013 at 4:30pm in the Church. The   Rev. Fr. Romane St. Vil will be our Revivalist. 

7. Sacred of Heart of Jesus’ Brothers in Christ Ministry invite all men to the annual  retreat to be held at the Cenacle Retreat House in Lake Ronkonkoma, Long Island, New York, July 12th 13th and 14th. The theme for this year is St. Augustine, Alpha Male and Model for Christian Men. The retreat leader, Father Alonzo Cox of Saint Clare’s R. C. Church in Rosedale promises to lead us in an   energetic study of St. Augustine and his relevance to today’s man. FEE of $225.00 can be paid in full or in an initial payment of $75 and three additional installments of $50.00 each.  Please make all checks payable to Sacred Heart R. C. Church.

For more information and Applications come to the rectory office, on the church display or from any of the brothers.