Most Holy Trinity Sunday
/1. The Sacred Heart Church Annual Cruise will be in Europe this year from. June 26 – July 5, Come fast to the rectory for reservation and payment. See the bulletin for more information.
2. You are cordially invited to attend a fund raising dinner dance to benefit the Sacred Heart School. Please join us Saturday July 6, from 8:00pm to 2:00am.Your donation of $60.00 will go for a worthy cause. . A Journal is being published in connection with the Sacred Heart School Fund Raising Dinner Dance. If you would like to honor Father Nolan with a message in the Journal, please see the Journal Contract in the back of the church. Pick one up and attach the message you would like to include on your page.
3. Sacred of Heart of Jesus’ Brothers in Christ Ministry invite all men to the annual retreat to be held at the Cenacle Retreat House in Lake Ronkonkoma, Long Island, New York, July 12th 13th and 14th. The retreat leader, Father Alonzo Cox of Saint Clare’s R. C. Church. For more information and Applications come to the rectory office, on the church display or from any of the brothers.
4. Next Sunday, June 2nd, is Corpus Christi. Both Masses will be celebrated a11:00am.
The Creole Mass in the Church and The English Mass will be in the Auditorium.
5. Jesus Friends and Teen Fire of Sacred Heart Youth Ministry are organizing a Dinner Dance to celebrate motherhood through songs, prayer and more this Sunday May 26, 2013 from 4:00pm to 9:00pm in the Auditorium of the School. Donation is $25. There will be tickets at the Rectory this week.
6. To conclude the month of Mary, there will be a Rosary at 6:00pm on Monday May 27 in the parking lot. We will honor our Blessed Mother Mary with hymns and recitation of the rosary in different languages. Bring flowers for our Lady.