First Sunday of Lent
/1. We are calling on all the Lay Ministers to come fellowship after Mass on Sunday, March 16th, 2014. We will be celebrating “Lay Ministry Day”.
2. We are happy to announce there will be a third bus going to Sight and Sound to see Moses on April 5th, 2014. Adults’ donation is $120. Children 12 and under donation is $100.
3. The English prayer Group is sponsoring a Healing Mass on Thursday March 13th at 7:30PM in the church. Also, there will be an all-night vigil on Friday, March 28th from 10:00PM till 6:30AM. All are welcome
4. The Youth-led outdoor Station of the Cross practices will be held every Saturday at 2:00PM in the Auditorium. If you would like to help or be involved please join us on Saturday!
5. There will be an English Lenten retreat from April 7th to April 10th with Fr. Trevor Nathasingh from Trinidad. Please Come and be Blessed.
6. All Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers are invited to adoration and fellowship this Saturday March 15th, 2014