Fourth Sunday of Lent
/1. Please consider your gift to this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal. We are counting on everyone’s participation to exceed our parish goal amount and receive a maximum rebate. If you have not yet received the Appeal invitation letter, please pick up the material available at the rear of the church or in the rectory. Please be sure to indicate Sacred Heart #5211 (Cambria Heights) on your Appeal gift to ensure your gift is properly credited to our parish.
2. Stations of the Cross for the entire parish community begin at 7:30PM every Friday during Lent in the church. Everyone is invited to attend.
3. The Parish English Lenten Retreat will be held from Monday, April 7th through Thursday, April 10th at 7:30PM with Fr. Trevor Nathasingh directly from Trinidad. The theme for the retreat is: Though we are many, we are one body in Christ. Every member of the parish is strongly encouraged to participate in this important retreat.
4. In preparation for the Easter Vigil, we are looking for a lot of energetic volunteers (children, teens, adults) to join us at rehearsal this Sunday, March 30th and next Sunday, April 6th in the church from 3:00PM – 5:00PM. This is a great way to participate in the actual celebration at the Vigil Mass. Join in the celebration, even if you’ve never previously participated.
5. All deacons, lectors, sacristans, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, ushers and the music commission are required to attend rehearsals on Saturdays, April 12th and 19th at 10:00 AM in the church.
6. The youth of our parish will lead the Outdoor Stations of the Cross throughout the community on Good Friday at 1:00PM. Please plan on attending the procession.
7. Group “Misericorde” is inviting the community to a pilgrimage at Eden Hill Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts on Sunday, April 27th. The bus will leave from the church at 6:00AM. Participation is $50.
8. The Parish Lenten Offering boxes are still available. If you have not yet done so, please remember to pick one up and return on Holy Thursday at the mass dedicated to the poor.
9. The mass schedule for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday is as follows:
8:00AM in English
10:00AM in English
1:00PM in Creole