Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
/1. We have over a 1,000 registered parishioners. Since the well-being of the church is the personal responsibility of each parishioner, we call upon every family in the parish and the young adults who are working to consider making a pledge, giving whatever you can afford in order to help us go beyond the diocesan goals. Let’s rally behind our parish and make the Annual Catholic Appeal successful. Remember, besides the fact that our parish budget relies on the Annual Catholic Appeal rebate for surpassing our goal amount, we also have work that needs to be done around the church. Please make a pledge today or before going away on vacation. You may fill out a pledge card on the side table in the rear of the church, or see one of the ushers, or call the rectory. Please do not miss the opportunity to support your church. Thank you.
2. This year’s Parish Annual BBQ will be on Saturday August 9, 2014. Please save the Date.
3. There will be a Pilgrimage to “Notre Dame du Cap” Cap de la Madeleine, Trois Rivieres Canada, Visit to the Sanctuary of St Joseph, Ste Anne de Beaupre and St Peregrin from Wednesday August 13 to Saturday August 16, 2014 . For information Please contact Lea 845-709-2245 or Bernadette 718-464-2167 or 516-218-2011. A flyer and additional information is in the bulletin.
4. Brothers in Christ Ministry invite all men to attend their annual retreat at the Cenacle Retreat House in Lake Ronkonkoma, Long Island, NY from August 22 to 24, 2014. Our Retreat leader will be Father Freddy Washington the Pastor at St Mark the Evangelist Church in Harlem, NY. Fee $ 240.