Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
/1. Please remember that there is still time to make your pledge for this year’s Catholic Appeal. Pledge forms are available in the rear of the church, in the rectory, and online. Please act today!
2. Plans are well on the way for the Annual BBQ on Saturday, August 9th. We thank everyone who came out to the meeting on Thursday, and the groups that have already committed to food, monetary and other donations. We are appealing to group leaders whose members have not yet committed for additional support. Ushers will also be at the door to collect your generous donations towards the BBQ.
3. Our Parish’s Religious Education Program is now accepting application for the upcoming pastoral year. All children from kindergarten to the 9th grade (ages 5 to 13) are to enroll in the Religious Education Program (even those children who attend Catholic Academies). Teenagers (ages 14 to16) are to enroll in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC). Registration forms are available in the rear of the church and in the rectory. Additional details are also in this week’s bulletin
4. There will be a Pilgrimage to “Notre Dame du Cap” Cap de la Madeleine, Trois Rivieres Canada, Visit to the Sanctuary of St Joseph, Ste Anne de Beaupre and St Peregrin from Wednesday August 13 to Saturday August 16, 2014 . For information Please contact Lea 845-709-2245 or Bernadette 718-464-2167 or 516-218-2011. A flyer and additional information is in the bulletin.
5. Brothers in Christ Ministry invite all men to attend their annual retreat at the Cenacle Retreat House in Lake Ronkonkoma, Long Island, NY from August 22 to 24, 2014. Our Retreat leader will be Father Freddy Washington the Pastor at St Mark the Evangelist Church in Harlem, NY. Fee $ 240.
6. The prayer breakfast on September 13th
7. The English charismatic revival from September 15th to 17th
8. The Creole charismatic revival with Sister Claire from October 17th to 19th
9. The Diocese Marian Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington on October 25th;
10. Parish Annual Dinner Dance on November 14th.